How do I get motivated to lose weight?

How do I get motivated to lose weight?

  • Posted by Kings Pharmacy
  • January 30, 2020

Try making a list of your own reasons for losing weight, followed by a realistic plan of action. Or use this article as motivation and find a pharmacist who can help you get started.

Get motivated by health benefits

Even losing a small amount of weight (about 5%) has been shown to reduce your risk of health problems such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Some types of cancer
  • Joint and back pain

Plus, most people feel better and more energetic after healthy weight loss.

Why not write down the reasons you want to protect your long-term health and keep these in mind when you need motivation?

Consider additional benefits

Some common reasons that motivate people to lose weight, other than health, include:

  • Feeling comfortable in clothes
  • Finding it easier to move around and exercise
  • Having a healthier relationship with food

Think about what you would like to gain from your weight loss plan and add it to your motivation list.

Throw out unrealistic goals

Let’s be honest: a lot of us know we should care about losing weight to improve our health…but equally, we just want to fit in a pair of skinny jeans. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel good in our clothes, holding on to clothes that are too small can actually make you feel worse and demotivate you. So go ahead, throw out those tiny jeans (or that top, or those shorts) you’ve been holding on to. Never mind how much you spent, or any sentimental value. Chuck ‘em! Instead, focus on small changes that will gradually help move you towards your weight loss goals.

Make a plan

Read our article about putting together a healthy weight loss plan. This is where it can also help to talk to a professional as you form a realistic plan to meet your goals. Your local pharmacists can offer free, professional advice on a weight loss plan that works for you, as well as tips for staying motivated.